Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

Project Scope | Writing Log #02

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! Aggie here! Week two of Project Scope writing updates, what??? I know, crazy, right? Last Week's Summary So, last week I wrote 4,575 words for Project Scope. I got a day finished and started Day 10 of the book, though I got a bit stuck on when to… Continue reading Project Scope | Writing Log #02

Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week Four | Uncitizen’s Ship

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! I am back with part four! LATE. AGAIN. I changed my word count to 18,000 words since 50k was out of the question. November 26, 2023 305 words // 15,212 total Got to describe the Rose Throne Room in Emperor Kaalii's palace. It is one of the 13… Continue reading NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week Four | Uncitizen’s Ship

Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week Three | Uncitizen’s Ship

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! I am back with part three which is NOT on time 😦 November 15, 2023 1,807 words // 12,187 total Didn't get as much time on my break as I wanted since I had to do some Christmas shopping as well as clean my room, but I got… Continue reading NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week Three | Uncitizen’s Ship

Design, Music, Uncitizens

NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week Two | Uncitizen’s Ship

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! I am back with part two which is one TIME? That's a rarity. November 08, 2023 236 words // 4,946 total It is nearing my bedtime so I couldn't write much, but the daily count was more than the past three days were, so that's a win. Today… Continue reading NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week Two | Uncitizen’s Ship

Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week One | Uncitizen’s Ship

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! I am back (again) after a long hiatus. Life's been crazy and busy, but I'm trying to make time for writing again. So, I am doing NaNoWriMo, aiming for 50,000 words. I am also participating in the King's Daughters' Writing Camp again because the community is so amazing.… Continue reading NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week One | Uncitizen’s Ship

Design, Expedition Nu, Music, Writing Process, Writing Updates

Writer’s Log, July KDWC | Expedition Nu

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! Before I start, I want to preface that I had to combine it all into one blog post because life has been crazy and I didn't have enough time or content to write about. And no energy. I also want to say though my goal was 20k words,… Continue reading Writer’s Log, July KDWC | Expedition Nu

Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

The Series Rundown | Uncitizens Update

So, in the past two months, I've written over 27,000 words by hand. That's like 135 pages in my notebook and I'm not even close to finishing the novel. Since it's a dual pov, things are just now picking up. Sometimes I favor one point of view when writing by hand, cuz one of the… Continue reading The Series Rundown | Uncitizens Update

Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

Writer’s Log: March KDWC, Week 4 | UNCITIZENS

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! I just finished the fourth and final week of the King's Daughters' Writing Club and I wanted to share with you my writing journey! March 22nd, 2023 508 words. Wrote during nap time and a bit on my break. I had to stop to get work done for… Continue reading Writer’s Log: March KDWC, Week 4 | UNCITIZENS

Design, Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

Writer’s Log: March KDWC, Week 3 | UNCITIZENS

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! Aggie here with another Writer's Log! This week has a bit of a longer post because I info-dumped some world-building. I hope you enjoy it! March 15th, 2023 So, I wrote with a pencil today because I was too lazy to find my pen bag and it is… Continue reading Writer’s Log: March KDWC, Week 3 | UNCITIZENS

Design, Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

Writer’s Log: March KDWC, Week 2 | UNCITIZENS

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! Aggie again with another week of the King's Daughters' Writing Camp. This is week two, and an update: I changed the wordcount goal to 20k since 30k on the computer is hard enough for me with my schedule, so by hand, 20k is still a stretch, but it's… Continue reading Writer’s Log: March KDWC, Week 2 | UNCITIZENS