
Long Time No Write

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! I’m Aggie and I’m alive!!! Yay!

So, I haven’t written since May 12 (which is basically 50 days ago), and that is quite crazy. Life has taken me by a whirlwind–or should I say God has. In May, I was in Nashville for a music conference called “The Objective” and it was amazing. I met a lot of great people and ended up going on tour with a lot of them for two weeks in June (and will soon be rejoining them in August!!!).

God has been doing amazing things in my life and has humbled me greatly with the tour experience. When you are not getting paid (and often spending money) to minister to people that can’t give you anything, it shifts your perspective on the world. Not to mention, when God moves and performs miracles before your eyes, your perspective on Him and yourself changes, too.

I met a lot of amazing people and was focusing on the music ministry so I definitely didn’t have time to write. But, since I have July off, I plan on writing a bit this coming month with the KDWC again.

This month I am aiming for 20k words, but this time it’s not by hand. I am going to be working on two projects: the first being my prequel series, Expedition Nu. I am aiming for 10k words so that I can post it to my Wattpad. The second one, I am aiming for 10k words for a side project to help me practice writing and since it’s just a fun side thing, I am not going to prioritize it. But, I still want to dedicate time to it.

I know this is a short update, but I wanted to let you guys know that there will be the weekly writer’s logs, so look out for those!!! I really enjoy writing those. I will only post about my main project and not the side one since it’s a secret, but it should be fun! I’m looking forward to delving into the characters of Expedition Nu.

Well, I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!

Salutations, fellow adventurers!


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