Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week Four | Uncitizen’s Ship

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! I am back with part four! LATE. AGAIN. I changed my word count to 18,000 words since 50k was out of the question.

November 26, 2023

305 words // 15,212 total

Got to describe the Rose Throne Room in Emperor Kaalii’s palace. It is one of the 13 throne rooms he has. This one is known for smaller meetings between close friends, family, or love interests. So things get interesting real quick with Jekkh’s father being super protective.

November 27, 2023

1,027 words // 16,239 total

This chapter was fun to write. I brought back the jester character on a whim and I’m glad I did. Most of my guy main characters are more serious, so to have a comedic relief jester, that is needed. Even if he is more emo/dramatic. He basically recites poetry all the time. The pattern is taken from haiku, though I modified it to be the Riian style. The syllables are 5, 7, 8, and 7. Rhymes are only optional. Here are a couple the jester, Ronrii, wrote:

Many are displaced.
Their planets—gone forever.
A mystery unfolding now.
An unknown sponsor rising.

The college is fine,
Maybe it’s only by chance.
But it is monopolizing.
They own health, food, and finance.

Anyway, it’s sus.
Yo, who is paying for it?
Anonymous donor, say what?
I think you should check it out.

Starting at the root…
should solve the major problems.
Unveiling a conspiracy…
under the guise of charity.

After Ronrii says the last one, Janet makes a comment on how there are too many syllables in the last line, but Ronrii doesn’t care. Learn the rules so you can break them, right?

November 28, 2023

788 words // 17,027 total

I wrote more of Camrun’s POV since I needed a break from Jekkh. I have a lot of ideas to move forward, but I want to wait until I figure things out before I continue with Jekkh’s. Camrun’s POV is also easier since it is partly written, though it is on paper. I have to transcribe which is both a relatively mindless task, but also can fix or improve upon any mistakes.

Camrun and his lil sis go to a restaurant. Here’s the menu:

Noodles w/ Deepossi Cheese
Frozen Milk Mixer (Pink Froz)
Barketti  Strips w/ Tango Sauce

November 29, 2023

87 words // 17,114 total

Trying again with Jekkh’s POV, but I’m at a loss with what to do. At least I got words down, that’s all that matters.

November 30, 2023

904 words // 18,018 total

I wasn’t able to reach my goal of 50k, but I reached my lowered goal of 18k. Yay!

I was able to write more of Jekkh’s POV, really getting into the characters of the emperor and Ronrii. I also filled in some plotholes for now, though I can always enforce it or rewrite it later. I realized that a random general from the planet, Qeet, was advising and administrating for the emperor, and that didn’t make sense, so I made up a reason.


I’m really far behind. lol. Maybe next week I can get more done since I don’t have as much work due to the holidays.

Do you have any writing goals coming up?

Salutations, fellow adventurers!


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