Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week Three | Uncitizen’s Ship

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! I am back with part three which is NOT on time 😦

November 15, 2023

1,807 words // 12,187 total

Didn’t get as much time on my break as I wanted since I had to do some Christmas shopping as well as clean my room, but I got a little bit done during naptime for the kiddos.

I got a lot done at the end of the night since I didn’t call my boyfriend. I’ve found when I’m tired, it’s easier writing Camrun’s POV since I have it written on paper. I just have to start retyping it onto my computer and then my fingers take over to embellish it. I also wrote a little bit of Jekkh’s POV, finishing chapter 09’s part as well as a little bit for chapter 10.

November 16, 2023

202 words // 12,389 total

I didn’t write a lot tonight, but it’s been a long day, and had a lot of errands and cleaning to do. Spent a while calling my boyfriend, so I didn’t start writing until after.

November 17, 2023

2,030 words // 14,419 total

I had more time today to work on my writing during nap time with the kids and after I called my boyfriend for the night. I wrote a lot of words which is awesome. I have not written as much as I would like daily, but today I hit a good chunk of it, though I’m still quite behind. I will say that I am excited to delve more into the Camrun point of view. Though Jekkh still has a lot of cool things to explore, it’s easier writing Camrun’s POV right now because I still have some written by hand that I haven’t rewritten onto the computer. 

That aside, I have two new characters that I introduced. When I first created them back in March, I planned for them to be antagonists who try to interfere with Camrun getting the position he wants in the Heraldry, but I figured that with 4/5 Deins on the council not wanting him there, more antagonists would be too mean. Instead, I have taken it as an opportunity to show the differences and similarities between social classes.

November 18, 2023

182 words // 14,601 total

I am taking a break from the Camrun POV to start again with Jekkh. I have added some depth to the plot and thrown in a side plot regarding the Riian Emperor since I love his character so much. Plus, I’ve crafted an idea of a misunderstanding and miscommunication. Jekkh has a dirt collection that is technically wanted by the government since it is the last remaining soil of her dead home planet. But after breakfast with the Emperor, he finds out about it. Later, she finds someone left her a vial of Riian soil as a gift which she finds very thoughtful, but she thinks it is the emperor when in reality it was her guard, Cahlun Kaence who is CAMRUN’S BROTHER. Ah, I get excited about all of this.

November 19, 2023

151 words // 14,752 total

I didn’t start writing until almost midnight, but I got over 100 words down and that’s fine with me. I want to come out with quality content over quantity.

November 20, 2023

0 words // 14,752 total

I didn’t write anything that day. I had work and was getting ready for my boyfriend to come over.

November 21, 2023

155 words // 14,907 total

I didn’t do a lot, but I had to go to bed early since tomorrow I am waking up early to pick up my boyfriend from out of state.


I’m really far behind. lol. Maybe next week I can get more done since I don’t have as much work due to the holidays.

Do you have any writing goals coming up?

Salutations, fellow adventurers!


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