Design, Music, Uncitizens

NaNo/KDWC November 2023, Week Two | Uncitizen’s Ship

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! I am back with part two which is one TIME? That’s a rarity.

November 08, 2023

236 words // 4,946 total

It is nearing my bedtime so I couldn’t write much, but the daily count was more than the past three days were, so that’s a win. Today I worked with kids from 8a-8p so I’m tired and then I stayed out to visit the youth pastor’s house. And then I had a Fiverr order to work on. So, once I finished all of that, my brain was too tired to write too much.

November 09, 2023

192 words // 5,138 total

Worked on finishing the previous chapter and starting the next. I didn’t do much writing today. I did reach 5k though, which is a milestone indeed.

November 10, 2023

111 words //5,249 total

Decided to create a new idea for the plot regarding Jekkh’s religion which is basically worshipping the True God, Yahweh though He revealed Himself to them on their planet. I have some ideas for their sabbath and ways to incorporate faith into it more since I was kind of lost on where to go with it.

November 11, 2023

1,927 words // 7,176 total

Today I wrote a blog post and organized the previously written chapters so I could figure out where I’d like Camrun’s POV to go. I also took a lot of what I wrote by hand earlier this year and rewrote it onto the computer.

I have finally found the rhythm of Camrun’s POV and now I’m excited to delve into the plot more. I was talking about the premise of Camrun’s POV with my boyfriend and he really thought it was interesting, so I hope that it turns out alright. Luckily, my boyfriend has been reading the chapters as they come out, and I’m starting to get some other alpha readers who are close family and friends.

Can’t wait to see where this goes.

(also, it was the beginning of the weekend which is why I have a lot better wordcount)

November 12, 2023

660 words // 7,836 total

I did more work combining the two POVs and edited a few things here and there, making sure I still maintained the right word count.

I also wrote a bit of the history of Jjjeeerrroooaaaa and a bit of their religion. I got to also reveal Jekkh’s collections of spoons and dirt (the latter being crucial to the plot).

November 13, 2023

1,783 words // 9,619 total

It was my first full day of writing, with no editing or anything. I got to rewrite some Camrun pieces which is exciting because the worldbuilding of the POV really interests me.

Also, I’ve been discovering the different voices of the characters. Jekkh is more funny in how she is oblivious and brutally honest, while Camrun is more sarcastic and serious. Jekkh also asks more internal questions and uses words like rather or definitely to exaggerate more. Camrun uses italics to think to himself and is more straightforward in his wording. Not to mention they both focus on different things. Camrun, I’ve noticed, goes deeper into the world/people and what it looks like and Jekkh goes more into how she interprets it.

November 14, 2023

761 words // 10,380 total

It was a bit more of a low-key writing day cuz I had a lot on my plate, but I think that I have a stopping place for Jekkh’s POV so I can finish the chapter with Camrun’s POV. Or I might start with Cam’s since I always start with Jekkh’s and I like to switch things up.

I did reach 10k which is awesome (though I should be twice as far).

I also put what I have written up on Wattpad if you want to alpha-read it.


Once again, I am not up to par with the program if I want to reach 50k by the 30th, though I can say I am very happy with my writing. And that is way more important to me. I have 10,380 written out of the 23,333 needed. I have no more Fiverr gigs lined up, and I foresee my schedule and load lightening a bit in the coming weeks. My breaks should be able to be used too for writing.

Do you have any writing goals coming up?

Salutations, fellow adventurers!


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