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Writer’s Log, July KDWC | Expedition Nu

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world!

Before I start, I want to preface that I had to combine it all into one blog post because life has been crazy and I didn’t have enough time or content to write about. And no energy.

I also want to say though my goal was 20k words, I was also including side projects which I will not be talking about here.

Also, if you want to read my project, Expedition Nu, you can read what I’ve written so far on Wattpad by clicking on this link.

Expedition Nu: The Wilds and Wastes

For a long time, I didn’t know what to call the book besides Expedition Nu which was more like the series name, but I finally came up with something. “The Wilds and Wastes” covers the two locations that this book will hopefully discover in the two POVs.

Cpt. Desree Pepin

The first POV is Captain Desree Pepin, pilot of the Halcyon, 7th Scavenger ship on the way to Mars. She is headstrong, a bit immature, and quite impulsive, but her heart is in the right place, the safety of her team being her #1 priority.

Dr. Rowan Elliot

The second POV is Dr. Rowan Elliot, the environmentalist/chemist of the Halcyon. She is level-headed, technically-minded, and a bit of a skeptic, though she is willing to learn if she is proved wrong… to an extent.

The Wilds

The desolate moon of Tru. Toxic and a renowned place to send people on a death sentence. This is the first location in the book. Image created using AI on I photoshopped it to add the planet, Persyth, and the fog/clouds. I totally removed the sky.

The Wastes

The planet, Persyth, is known for its cities floating through the storms of the gas giant. But every city has its slums, and on Persyth, they are called Wastes. The poor man’s shuttles connected to the city by a simple airlock that at any moment could disconnect, sending the ship into the gases without power or proper safety precautions. This is the second location in the book. Image created using AI and Photoshop.

July 1st, 2023

I wrote/edited 252 words. I was mostly just editing words that I had previously written because this used to be written in 1st person’s POV. And present tense. So, it can be quite boring just changing the words up and stuff.

I also published a new song of my soundtrack on YouTube. Not my best song, but hey, it’s helping me learn I guess. I just hope it’s not too different in genre from the other songs in the soundtrack.

Chapter: 05 // The Captain’s Log

POV: Cpt. Desree Pepin

Last Sentence Written (LS): Now, Desree only had to get the beacon to work so that they knew where to look.

July 2nd, 2023

Didn’t really do anything today since it was Sunday. And I got sick, lol.

July 3rd, 2023

I wrote/edited 1,599 words today. It was hard starting off because I was having trouble with the opening of the scene. Instead of the escape pod, I had Rowan and the others have the Detachable Settlement Ship, the Haven. I don’t know if I fully like this idea yet.

I also photoshopped today. The graphics you see up there for the Wastes and the Wilds were what I worked on today.

Chapter: 06 // Uncultured Check

POV: Dr. Rowan Elliot

Last Sentence Written (LS): “Great,” Burton sighed. “Well, thank you, Dr. Elliot. I’ll inform the others.”

July 4th-17th, 2023

I don’t have documentation from when I wrote this chapter sometime between July 4th and the 17th. I was at a low point cuz I was back at work and was also in a rough spot emotionally.

Chapter: 07 // Unexpected Visitor

POV: Cpt. Desree Pepin

Last Sentence Written (LS):

“Fine,” he replied saucily. “Can I have my blaster back?”

Desree placed it in her belt, tilting her head at him. “Really?”

July 4th-17th, 2023

Chapter: 08 // Funnel Cloud

POV: Dr. Rowan Elliot

Last Sentence Written (LS):

But back then, Rowan had a guarantee to walk out with her life. Now? There was no such guarantee. 

July 20th, 2023

I rewrote some content in chapters 05, 06, 07, and 08 to make it fit with what I wanted to happen.

Chapters: 05, 06, 07, 08


Last Sentence Written (LS): N/A

July 25th, 2023

I rewrote chapters 07 and 08 again. But I wrote new content, a.k.a chapter 09.

Chapter: 09 // Blasters and Badges

POV: Cpt. Desree Pepin

Last Sentence Written (LS): Jaze smirked before placing his hands on his hips victoriously. “Deal.”

July 29th, 2023

I wrote half of chapter 10.

Chapter: 10 // Carnage

POV: Dr. Rowan Elliot

Last Sentence Written (LS):  Rowan looked around hoping to find a familiar landmark like the eagle rock. She couldn’t see it from the door.

Thank you guys so much for reading!

Salutations, fellow adventurers!


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