Uncitizens, Writing Process, Writing Updates

Project Scope | Writing Log #02

Hello, fellow campaigners of the writing world! Aggie here! Week two of Project Scope writing updates, what??? I know, crazy, right?

Last Week’s Summary

So, last week I wrote 4,575 words for Project Scope. I got a day finished and started Day 10 of the book, though I got a bit stuck on when to switch POVs. I added new characters to the story like H. E. Giggs (my favorite smol bean on the planet) and his team. He may not have a big role now, but I have big plans for him later.

Things I Want to Work On

DAYS/POVs: I want to get less worried about formatting now. Though writing it like it is Days is helpful, I tend to get stuck on making sure Camrun and Jekkh get an even amount of POVs, even though Camrun’s are a lot shorter than Jekkh’s are. So, my goal is to worry less about it and just get those words in. Besides, if I add the third POV like I plan on, if I cut back on any POV length, it will be Camrun’s, so getting people used to quick transitions in his POV now will help get them ready for when POV #3 comes around.

STYLE: I want to make sure that I am not just writing to get words down, but to tell a story. Also, not to forget to get in characters’ heads while still making it feel like narrators are a part of the process. This means not forgetting to make footnotes in Camrun’s POV, which I do often.

CHARACTERS: I want to be more accurate about Camrun’s personality because I forget about his excited and happy side. Right now you only see his depressed/worried side, though I want to expand on it. I want to show both sides of him so that when he gets out of the bad environment he is in, there is a weight lifted from him, but I don’t want it to shock readers. So, I am foreshadowing his happy softness now. And his nerdy excitement. 🙂

The Writing Log

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Finished the scene between Cahlun and Camrun on call. Combined their call with some more character dev with their mother as well as Camrun getting the acceptance email–well, the acceptance for an interview.

I’m excited to finish Day 10 because I will be combining the most important parts of the interview process as well as having you get to know characters like Rhett and TALIS AND BRUTIS. I loved writing them last draft and now that I have a bigger plan for them all, I can finally get to writing with more foreshadowing.

Word(s): 1,075 words.
POV(s): Camrun
Setting(s): Kaence Household
Scene(s): Day 10: Call Between Brothers.
Song(s): Echo – Disjoint Square

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

I wrote 795 words before work, getting new content down. A cameo of Emperor Kaalii because he is awesome.

Wrote another 418 words, working on extending the scene between Camrun and his favorite past time–walking. I am trying to make the world of Persyth more lively, but it is hard without info dumping. So, that’s been what I’ve been working on. I also have been trying to make it sound cool. I need to be more intentional with my words.

Word(s): 1,213 words
POV(s): Camrun
Setting(s): Rhett’s Diner. The streets of the Caretto district.
Scene(s): Camrun walking to the Gate.
Song(s): Like A Particle of Dust – Night Gestalt and Klangriket

Friday, June 14th, 2024

I wrote 1,190 words before work! That’s crazy. In an hour, I finished another scene, though I think I want to combine it with the assessment for Camrun so I don’t have as many time skips. However, I will make note of it in case I do need a scene break when I write Jekkh’s POV. I just think her POV for Day 10 won’t be as long. Though, I could be wrong. Very wrong, in fact.

But I added a scene with Camrun finding defamation on an old mural to shed light on an old rebellion that he hadn’t heard about until now. It is very important information!!

So, I finished another scene for Camrun’s POV, getting through the first part of the interview process, then skipped to Jekkh’s POV. I am getting tired as it is almost midnight, but I think I wrote enough today. Because of some fluke, I had to do crazy math to figure out how many words I got today, but if I did my calculations right, I wrote 3,755 words today. It definitely feels that way. I wrote before work, on break, and after work.

Word(s): 3,755 words (I guess).
POV(s): Camrun
Setting(s): The streets of Essanto–the Capital Building. Jekkh’s room.
Scene(s): Walking the City Center, Interview with the Deins, and Jekkh getting ready for breakfast with the emperor.
Song(s): The President is Dead – C418. This is one of my favorite songs ever. It encapsulates Emperor Kaalii and the vibe of some aspects of my universe well. And it’s like almost 8 mins of awesomeness.

Saturday, June 15th, 2024

Today I worked a little on my 2024 game plan for writing. I don’t know how much of it will carry over into the next year, but I want my order of projects to work on to be figured out so I don’t jump around as much.

I wrote 2.2k words before 2pm so that I could get ready for a gig tonight. I have to get ready so I stopped there. I was basically rewriting an old scene, though I cut some paragraphs, adding new ones. I made it a lot more comedic (visually, at least), and look forward to see how it is all pieced together. Another layer of the mystery is added when the refugees are brought up in conversation as well as a secret donor who is helping “mitigate” the whole refugee situation.

Word(s): 2,275 words
POV(s): Jekkh
Setting(s): Rose Throne Room.
Scene(s): Meeting with the emperor in the Rose Throne Room.
Song(s): The Platform Pocket – Todd Baker


Word(s): 8,318 words!!! Wow, that’s almost twice as much as last week!
Day(s)/Chapter(s): Day 10 (not finished)
Favorite Scene(s): It’s a tie between Camrun’s call with Cahlun and the whole debacle in the Rose Throne Room. I guess that’s one from each POV.
Favorite Setting(s): Rose Throne Room
Quote of the Week: From Camrun’s POV.

What brought you to apply for the Heraldry Foundation? 

Camrun hesitated. He was an advocate for honesty, but at the moment had to decide if bluntness or diplomacy would be his best course of action. 

My sister is ill and the only way for me to get fair healthcare is if I get into the military or maybe work for your foundation. You are my last hope since I was rejected from the military and am now an embarrassment to Persyth since ‘everyone gets in.’ Now, with a bruised ego and a broken hope, I find myself precariously set within your grasp and it is up to you whether to crush me or lift me higher. 

He erased what he wrote.

I have always been interested in academics and am always wanting to better my community which I know the Heraldry is an advocate for. 

Next Week’s Plan

I plan on taking it a bit slower since I am busier, though I would like to work on finishing as much as I can from my old writing to get to the newer scenes. Now that I have a goal for where I am going with the book, I feel my feet are dragging less when it comes to thinking about “new” content.

Thanks for reading! This is a bit of a shorter one than last week since I didn’t write every day, but I feel I definitely made up for that in word count! What is the most you’ve written in a day?

Salutations fellow adventurers!


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